Care Instructions


When your new plant arrives, if it does not have roots yet plant it in dry gritty soil and that should be enough for the plant to push out new roots. I like to use Bonsai Mix because it dries up very quick and Succulents do not like wet roots.

It can take anywhere from 2 weeks or a few months for your new plant to push out new roots.

If your plant arrives with roots, plant it and wait about 3-5 days for it to get established in its new pot before watering it.

Water your plants only if it has established enough roots and needs a watering (shriveled leaves, dry leaves, not as plump, etc.)



In order for you to maintain the plants rosette and color your plant will need a good amount of sunlight. The best window would be a South/South East facing window where it would get natural sunlight for the majority of the day/morning. Make sure to establish the plant by introducing direct sunlight slowly.

If you are using grow lights I would recommend leaving lights on for at least 12-14 hours a day. 



When to water?

Every plant will have a different watering schedule depending on how gritty the soil is, humidity levels, size of the pot, also if the plant is chunky or has thinner leaves etc.

The easiest way for me to know when it needs water is by noticing when the leaves are not as plump anymore and it is showing some wrinkles on its lower set of leaves. The rosette will start to close up and stress colors will become more vibrant.

This can rage anywhere from every 2 weeks or maybe a month before a watering is needed.

If you are unsure if the soil is dry it is better to not water and maybe just wait another week or two. Or you can stick a popsicle stick in the soil, if it comes out dry you can water if needed. If moist soil is on the popsicle stick, do not water.

How do I water?

My favorite method of watering is bottom watering!

Placing the pot in a plastic bin that can be easily purchased at your local dollar store and waiting until the top of the soil/top dressing is wet.



The soil that I have been recently getting into and liking is a gritty Bonsai Mix. Succulents love a gritty substrate!

An alternative is Cactus/Succulent soil and adding extra grit such as perlite, pumice, gravel, sand etc. If I am using soil I will use 30-40% soil and 60-70% grit (it may be different in your area depending on humidity levels). This will help the soil dry up faster and keep your Succulent happy and help prevent root rot.


Any other questions please feel free to send me and email!


Thank you!

Desert Gem Succulents

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